Little Acorns Activities
I aim to keep all the children engaged in activities to ensure their developments reaching its maximum potential.
I provide a wide range of resources and activities that they will participate in within the setting,
Here are a few examples:
Arts and Crafts – Gluing, sticking, cutting, pens/pencils/crayons, painting and play dough.
This promotes Physical Development (moving and handling).
Dressing up and Role-play – Jugs, tea sets, typewriter, telephone, mirror, a case of curiosity, mud kitchen, loose parts and kitchen utensils.
This promotes Understanding the World (People and communities), Expressive Arts and Design (being
imaginative) and Personal,Social and Emotional Development (making relationships).
Sensory Activities – Treasure baskets, foam, bubbles, musical instruments, sand and water.
This promotes Expressive Arts and Design (exploring media and materials).
Small World Play – Animals, farm, people, doll's house, buggy & dolls, cars, garage and trains.
This promotes Personal,Social and Emotional Development (making relationships), Communication and Language
(speaking) and Expressive Arts and Design (being imaginative).
Numbers and Letters – Puzzles, sorting, shapes, measuring, games, books and stories.
This promotes Maths (shape, space and measures) and Literacy (reading and writing).
Physical Play – Natural adventure area, balls, bikes, scooters, slides, sand pit and wooden house.
This promotes Physical Development (moving and handling).